Christian Blog: Irrevocably Beloved

For Jesus And For The Culture. . .Being Black, Christian and a Millennial In America

Science and faith in times of disaster (Like Covid)    

Dear Reader:

Any one of us can see how easily science and faith can disagree in times of disaster.  One will always assert that it has the true answer to this calamity over the other. This is something we clearly saw in the early days of the Covid-19 crisis. There was serious divisiveness about whether or not to take the vaccine or boosters, etc. I’m not here to talk about that. As you can tell from my prior discussion of science and faith, my beliefs are that science and faith merge to provide better health outcomes for all. And I will continue to say that God wants us all to have a life and to have an abundant one. 

Aside from that, these days seem like there is one disaster after another. If I was in charge of the universe, I probably would be sad. However, I can take comfort in that the only person I’m responsible for is myself and I’m only responsible for my choices , God is responsible for the outcome. My choice, like let’s say to eat overnight oats and green juice every morning , does not necessarily mean that I will enjoy the grand health benefits other people enjoy. Half the green juice might go straight to my urine. I might mess up my androgens or be messing with my blood sugar. God is responsible for outcomes. I am only responsible for doing my part. 

And Do my part I must. Faith without works is dead, indeed. So I urge you to draw nigh to God and make wise choices. I’ll see you in November!

Concepts that science and faith both agree on

Dear Reader:

I just wanted to point out that there are many things that science and faith both agree on.

  1. Aliens: The possibility of Life out there

There are a number of verses in the Bible that allude to other life forms than humans. The most famous mention being in Ezekial 1.  Of course, the Bible also seems to assert that humans are special. Hebrews 2:7 says that humans are lower than angels. But the Bible also regals humans as “children” of God and being the only creations in which whom God can actually dwell. It is also said that the whole war in heaven that caused angels to fall was about Lucifer being jealous of humanity. It is also said that Lucifer fell before the creation of humans. We don’t really know. 

Scientists have maintained that there could possibly be other life than ours and have used the evidence of other planets to fortify that assertion. It doesn’t seem to make sense that every planet in the universe would be uninhabited but ours. Science has also come up with theories that those life forms perhaps look differently, breathe differently and may have different organs than us. Where science and faith agree  and conspiracy differ though is whether any alien life form has visited us. 

  1. The Multiverse

Marvel and DC comics and their affiliated movies have made popular the idea of the multiverse. The idea is  that there are multiple universes (alt realities as it were or even that a world exists outside space and time). Hold your tea. Don’t stop reading just yet. 

Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (KJV).

That seems like a world outside space and time. 

There’s also some weird stories in the Bible like Enoch who never saw death, yet God took him. While that can be literally thought of to mean that God took him up to heaven or something, it could also mean that God just put him in another world. 

Also there’s a weird time difference in the Bible. What exactly does 1,000 years being one day mean? Marvel movies talk about time moving differently in different realities. 

And don’t get me started on Revelations… I mean. What if all the beasts already exists and live in another reality and just require a certain condition to breach.  

Metaphysics has long supported the idea that alternate realities could be a thing. The Bible does not really contradict that idea. 

  1. Medicine for Wellness (herbs /pharma)

Medicine as we know it started from plants and herbs. While big pharma is out there doing a good job and helping people stay alive. There also still remains herbs and plants that can supplement your doctor’s efforts. I’m not advocating for you to be extra nor to do it without a doctor’s okay. Bring a list to your primary care doctor ; have them research if there’s any interactions with the current pharmaceuticals you’re taking. I think chronic health conditions are a good place to input homeopathy or chinese herbalism or any other form of natural medicine. There are also functional medicine doctors that utilize both medical and other knowlege to treat with holistic picture. Consider those options. 

  1. Geology (Crystals, etc) 

Science has discovered the healing power of rocks and other materials found in nature. Urban areas have tried to recreate salt caves because of the dramatic health effects that can be experienced in those places. I know there’s alot of bible verses so rocks may not be your main focus in bible study. However, there’s actually a bunch of verses about rocks. There’s one about  God asking Moses to strike a rock so the Israelites could get water to drink. God being characterized as a rock and a fortress. Verses about hiding in rock. 

I know you’ve probably never sat down and did a Venn diagram about what do Science and religion agree on … but if you did… What would you add to the list? 

Origins of the Universe: How Do People Think the Universe Came to Be

Dear Reader: 

There are many different theories about the origins of the universe. Some people believe that God created everything, while others believe that the universe evolved. There are also several different beliefs within Christianity about how the universe came to be. In this blog post, we will explore some of these different theories and discuss how they compare to each other.

Theory one: God created everything. This is the most common belief among Christians. When looked at from a theological perspective, this makes sense because it is in line with the idea that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. From a scientific perspective, however, there are some problems with this theory. For example, if everything was created by God, then why does the universe appear to be billions of years old? Moreover, why does it appear to be constantly changing and evolving?

Theory two: The universe evolved. This theory is supported by the evidence of science which shows that the universe is indeed billions of years old and constantly changing and evolving. However, from a theological perspective, this theory raises some interesting questions. For example, if the universe evolved, then did God create it, or did it just happen by chance? Moreover, if God did not create everything, then what is his role in the universe?

Theory three: The Big Bang created everything. This theory is also supported by scientific evidence which shows that the universe began with a massive explosion (the Big Bang). From a theological perspective, this theory raises some interesting questions as well. For example, if the Big Bang created everything, then where did it come from? Moreover, what was before the Big Bang? These are questions that remain unanswered by this theory as well.

Theory four: Hybrid Creationism-Evolution. This theory is a mix of the first two theories. It believes that God created everything, but that the universe also evolved. From a theological perspective, this theory makes sense because it allows for both scientific and theological explanations of the universe. However, from a scientific perspective, there are still some unanswered questions.

Theory five: Jewish tradition. This theory believes that the universe was created by God, but that it is not static or perfect. Instead, it is constantly changing and evolving. From a theological perspective, this theory makes sense because it is in line with the idea of an imperfect world that is constantly changing and evolving.

There are several different theories about the origins of the universe. Each theory has its strengths and weaknesses. However, the most important thing is that we continue to explore these theories and learn more about them. By doing so, we can come to a better understanding of not only the origins of the universe but also our place in it.

In case you’re wondering what this author thinks, I am somewhere between Theory 4 and 5 right now in my thinking. I do believe that God created the universe but that it’s done some things since then. I don’t believe that it was created in 7 Calendar days, although I acknowledge that God has immense power and probably could’ve done that. I don’t believe that its an important issue to debate among Christians, so I just focus my time on spreading God’s message of hope, love and abundant health. So don’t @ me on this. Lol. 

Philosophical Truth and Ethics: Is It Science-ing Morality?

Dear Reader:

When it comes to philosophical truth and ethics, there are a lot of different ways to look at things. Some people analyze the concepts based on scientific principles, while others may take a more spiritual or religious approach. No matter which way you slice it, though, I think there is an essential core truth inside of us all when it comes to morality. We may call it different things – our conscience, our higher self, or the holy spirit – but I believe that deep down we all know what is right and wrong. This inner truth is what guides our actions and choices, even when we may not be consciously aware of it. It is what gives us a sense of compassion for others, and what drives us to act by our values. And while there may be times when we make choices that go against this inner truth, I believe that ultimately it is always there, waiting to guide us back to the path of righteousness.

Although I recognize that college philosophy classes are a nightmare for Christians, I’m asking you to put aside that classroom trauma for a minute while you read this. 

What are philosophical truth and ethics, and why should they be studied as a science

Philosophical truth is deceptively simple to define: it is the agreement between our thoughts and reality. For example, the statement “the earth is round” is a philosophical truth because it accurately describes the shape of the earth. In contrast, statements like “I am happy” or “that dress is blue” are not philosophical truths because they are based on our individual opinions. However, even though the definition of philosophical truth is simple, actually determining whether a statement is true can be very difficult. This is because we can never know for certain whether our thoughts accurately reflect reality. As a result, philosophers have long debated how we can know whether a statement is true.

Ethics, on the other hand, concern themselves with right and wrong conduct. Unlike philosophical truths, which can be verified objectively, there is no agreed-upon definition of what constitutes right and wrong conduct. Instead, ethical principles are based on our individual beliefs about what is good or bad behavior. As a result, ethical debates are often more emotional than intellectual; people tend to feel strongly about what they believe to be right or wrong. Nonetheless, ethical principles are an important part of our society, and philosophers have long studied how we can develop sound ethical systems.

One of the famous and most done philosophy/ethics exercises in college classes is to think about what if you had to take a life to save many lives. The most prominent example is if you could go back and kill Hitler, would that be wrong? We all know that the bible says point blank murder is wrong. But there’s that niggling feeling in my chest about whether it would be wrong to kill Hitler- a man who led to many many people’s deaths. I don’t have an answer. Philosophy teaches us that it’s okay not to have an answer and to grapple with facts, feelings and spirit. Ethics strengthens our notion of what is acceptable in our society. 

Both philosophical truth and ethics should be studied as sciences because they help us to understand the world around us. By learning about different ways of knowing and different ethical systems, we can develop better methods for determining what is true and what is right. In addition, philosophy and ethics provide us with a language for talking about complex ideas. Without these disciplines, we would be limited in our ability to communicate and grapple with difficult problems. Ultimately, philosophy and ethics should be studied as sciences because they make us more thoughtful and reflective citizens of the world.

What implications do philosophical truth and ethics have on society as a whole

The search for truth and the study of ethics has always been closely linked. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle famously said that “the aim of the ethical life is a good life,” and many philosophers since have agreed that living a good life is the best way to find happiness and fulfillment. In recent years, however, some philosophers have argued that truth and ethics are two separate domains. They claim that society does not need ethical values to function and that individuals can pursue their happiness without being concerned about the greater good. While this debate is sure to continue, it is clear that both truth and ethics play an important role in our lives. Truth helps us to understand the world around us, while ethics give us guidance on how to live our lives. Together, they provide a foundation for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Tell us what you think, can ethical theories are tested and proven, or are they purely speculative? Is there a way to reconcile the differences between different ethical theories?

Healing: Herbs, Prayers, and Modern Medicine

Dear Reader: 

Herbs, prayers, and modern medicine have been used for centuries to heal the body and restore balance. Each of these methods has its benefits, and when used together, they can create a powerful healing experience. Herbs can be used to support the body’s natural healing process and help to alleviate symptoms. Prayer can help to focus the mind and connect with a higher power. Modern medicine can provide relief from pain and help to speed up the healing process. When all three of these methods are used together, they can create a synergistic effect that is greater than the sum of its parts. By using all three methods of healing, we can tap into the power of nature, spirit, and science to create a truly transformative experience.

Modern medicine has largely dismissed herbs and prayers as a form of healing

For centuries, humans have looked to nature for healing. Herbs and prayers were often the only forms of medicine available, and they were used to treat everything from colds to broken bones. Over time, however, modern medicine has largely dismissed these forms of treatment as ineffective. Instead, we have come to rely on drugs and surgery to keep us healthy.

But there is growing evidence that herbs and prayers can be effective forms of healing. In recent years, several studies have shown that certain herbs can help to improve our health. For example, lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, while Ginkgo Biloba can help to improve cognitive function. And while the mechanism by which prayer works is not fully understood, it has been shown to improve mental and physical health. In one study, patients who were prayed for showed significant improvements in their recovery from surgery.

So while modern medicine has its place, it is important to remember that nature can also offer powerful forms of healing. Herbs and prayers may not be able to cure everything, but they can often help to improve our health in ways that modern medicine cannot.

Herbal Medicine & Prayer

Herbal medicine is a holistic approach to healing that takes into account the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. It is based on the premise that all cultures have used plants for their medicinal properties for centuries. Herbal medicine seeks to restore balance in the body using a variety of methods, including dietary modification, acupuncture, and massage. Herbs, prayers, and modern medicine can be used together to heal the body and restore balance. The use of herbs in combination with prayer is an ancient practice that has been used by many cultures to heal the body.

How prayers can be used to restore balance in our lives.

Prayer has been used as a form of healing for centuries and can be a helpful tool in restoring balance to our lives. When we pray, we focus our attention on something outside of ourselves and connect with a power greater than ourselves. This can help to quiet the noise of our thoughts and allow us to find stillness and peace. Additionally, prayer can help us to access our intuition and inner wisdom. It can also be used to bring forth our deepest desires and set our intentions for healing. Modern medicine can also play a role in restoring balance to our lives. It can help us to address physical imbalances and heal the body. Additionally, it can support the emotional and mental aspects of healing. By combining prayer with modern medicine, we can create a well-rounded approach to restoring balance in our lives.

Herbs, prayers, and modern medicine are key in getting your body and mind together. You know my favorite saying by now. That God wants us to have life and have it abundantly. When all three forms of healing are used together, we can tap into the power of nature, spirit, and science to create a truly transformative experience and have an abundant life. Do your research. Talk to Professionals (MDs and NDs). Don’t sleep on your health. It is its own gospel.